Use Cases

Indoors Agriculture

Full-blown solution for an amateur grower, and a well-established facility.

Beer and Wine Making

Take yourself to the next level of process control.

Pet and Plant Care

Keeping the most comfortable environment for your home dwellers.

Home Controls

An easy way to setup you own micro climate at home.

Indoors Agriculture

  • Reduce cost
  • Free up labor and time
  • Enhance efficiency of an existing irrigation, lighting, or air quality control
  • Reduce waste of water, nutrient, and electrical waste

As people become more aware of ecology, and reduction and reuse of resources, such as water, electricity, labor. New methods in agriculture emerge, such as hydroponics. Hydroponic setup doesn’t have the nutrient and water capacity of natural soil, and therefore demands careful control over watering and light schedule, as well as precise mixture of fertilizer and tight control over pH.

It is extremely difficult to control such a variety of parameters manually. Electronic sensors do what a human does. Accurately. 24/7. With control on the fly.

Gecko Home Automation is here to help you to to achieve maximal yield at the lowest cost.

Beer and Wine Making

Home Brewing is an emerging hobby countrywide, rapidly turning into science. However, to produce good beer careful process monitoring is important. Ambient temperature and ambient humidity sensor monitors the conditions in the fermentation or storage room.

A dedicated sensor monitors the temperature inside a fermentation tank and cooling jacket, and engages active cooling when needed. The controller collects and stores sensor data, allowing the brewer to analyze them and correlate preset brewing parameters with quality of beer.

Pet and Plant Care

For many animals ambient conditions are crucial for their well-being. If a leopard gecko doesn’t have enough moisture in its terrarium, it will have problems shedding, and develop a risk of gangrene.

Also precise temperature control is important for breeding leopard geckos: if the eggs are kept below 85°F only female geckos hatch and vice versa above 90°F degrees, only males hatch. Same phenomenon is observed for butterflies – their coloration depends on pupa’s temperature.

A particular example includes two remote sensor heads measuring temperature and humidity in two opposite corners of terrarium, activating a heat pad, and a humidifier once humidity value measured by the sensors drop below threshold.

A UV lamp is activated according to the schedule to provide more artificial light in long winter nights or yield to the natural light during the summer.

Home Controls

  • Don’t waste money on heating or cooling an empty house
  • Tell your house to warm up if you come home early
  • Keep animals happy when you can’t get home on a cold or hot day

Make your home smarter, bring it online, and get rid of your old thermostat. The installation process is trivial: the controller is just a drop-in replacement for your old thermostat unit, and can ether completely substitute, or work in parallel with the old unit. Ambient temperature and ambient humidity sensors turn on and off heating or cooling.

Tell your house to water the yard while you’re away on vacation. Outdoors wireless sensors measure soil moisture and activate sprinklers (and pump if needed) to start an irrigation cycle. If the soil is already sufficiently moist due to rain, the controller will not start an irrigation cycle and thus save a substantial amount of water.

Additional integration can control gates, outdoor lighting, garage doors, and security systems.